Girlz Daily

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Foods That Burn Calories!

Researches show that eating half a grapefruit or fruit juice drink with meals can reduce weight by more than three pounds in 12 weeks. Scientists believe that grapefruit lowers insulin levels, which curbs your motivation to eat light. 

Spicy foods
Do you like it hot? I hear this good news: that eating spicy foods can help you burn more fat. Spicy foods make you sweat and raise your heart rate, which increases the level of metabolism in the interim. Do not hesitate to put a little chilli to stimulate your body
 Green Tea 

 Green tea, the best choice not only because it calms the nerves, but because it protects against cancer, and many of the diseases. It also stimulates the metabolism. Experts say that drinking 5 cups of green tea can help burn up to 70 to 80 calories a day. That's not bad at all

Low-fat milk / skimIn addition to building strong bones, prevents the production of calcium Calctrul, hormone tells the fat cells increase more. Several studies have found that the integration of low-fat dairy products or fat-free in your diet can help you lose weight more

WaterSkimp on water, it will be difficult for you to lose weight. Drought slows down your metabolism, and can lead to sugar cravings and fatigue also. Experts recommend drinking 8 glasses of warm water 

 Research showed that the development of a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, with food, which helps metabolize sugars and sugar levels down. This is helpful because high blood sugar levels and excess sugar in the blood, can lead to fat storage. Highlights the sweet taste of cinnamon in the food. So sprinkle a little of it on your 
food, such as apples, cheese, rice, and chicken 


  1. absolutely love this and it's all pretty new to me especially the grapefruit one. thank you
